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Tips for Creating a Digital Portfolio That Stands Out
I’m pretty sure every job seeker understands that “selling yourself” is necessary to make a lasting impression on an employer, and while having a well-written CV has always been helpful in showcasing our skills and achievements, adding a little razzle-dazzle can definitely make a big difference. This is where a digital portfolio may come in handy.
A digital portfolio is an online collection of a candidate’s work and may include different forms of media such as texts, photographs, illustrations, blueprints, animations, graphics, web pages, videos, spreadsheets, and audio files. “Think of it as a gallery for all your best works. And contrary to popular belief, it isn’t only suited for designers and artists. No matter what industry you’re in, having an online portfolio is a great way to showcase your skills, accomplishments, and personal brand,” said Deepanshu Bedi, co-founder of Exhale Wellness. So why exactly is a digital portfolio better than a CV?
For one, compared to a one-dimensional CV, a digital portfolio combines visuals and words to add depth to your experiences and better demonstrate your skills. Second, digital portfolios are eye-catching. “Opposite a generic, black-and-white CV, a digital portfolio allows you to be as creative as possible. Elements such as texts, images, audio, video, and other forms of media make it more appealing and encouraging for potential clients or employers to read,” said Brian Hong, CEO and owner of Infintech Designs. Third, a digital portfolio helps you create a story. Chris M. Walker, CEO of Superstar SEO said, “Compared to a traditional CV that requires a candidate to be as concise as possible, a digital portfolio allows you to explain a project further, giving your readers a more in-depth view of your creative process.” Lastly, because of its creative possibilities, a digital portfolio helps you develop soft skills by sharpening your critical-thinking abilities and challenging you to find ways to effectively organize and present your skills and accomplishments easily digestible to others.
“How do you create an effective and eye-catching digital portfolio?” you might ask. Here a few important tips you need to remember:
Establish Your Style
According to entrepreneur and Chief Marketing Officer of Cheef Botanicals, “Your digital portfolio is an extension of your personal brand, so make sure to include your strongest samples and works that you enjoyed doing.” While a digital portfolio allows you to freely illustrate your thought and creative process, remember that its main purpose is to highlight your core strengths, industry experience, technical ability, and range. Danny Trichter, co-founder of Accessibility Checker, noted, “When selecting your samples, the rule of thumb is to choose 8 to 10 pieces of your best work that would adequately showcase and demonstrate your skills.”
More than that, match the design of your digital portfolio to your creative style. As I said, it is an extension of your personal brand, and you’d want companies and potential employers to get a sense of who you are, so make sure to use design elements that look and feel cohesive with your other job search materials.
Make Sure It’s Accessible and Readable
A digital portfolio can take on many forms. It can be in the form of a website, a PDF portfolio (slides or documents), or a social media portfolio. Whatever format you choose, make sure it’s easily accessible and readable.
Jacob Villa, Marketing Director of School Authority, advised, “When creating a portfolio, always remember to consider user experience. The last thing you want to do is waste a hiring manager’s time clicking and scrolling away through a cluttered page or following a broken link to your online portfolio. Be sure to proofread all captions, check your image load times, verify the navigation is seamless, confirm it’s viewable on all platforms (laptop, mobile, etc.), and use only high-quality images.”
Make Yourself Known
According to Leo Coleman of Gambling’ N Go, “Having a face or a name is important for any brand, and being it an extension of your own brand, your digital portfolio should always have your logo or name visible from start to finish. This lets readers know whose work they’re looking at and is a great way to establish brand identity and set your work apart from other potential candidates.”
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