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The Psychology of Employee Recognition: Why it Matters
When the management thinks about employee recognition, the first thing that comes to mind is not the psychology behind employee recognition. You might be tempted to think about the mechanics of employee recognition, like how often, the reason for recognition, and the rewards that should be offered. Without a doubt, recognition has a positive impact, but it is essential to understand what exactly goes on in the brain when you recognize an employee.
To truly excel in the workplace, people must feel valued. Financial compensation is just one way to express that value. Letโs first dive into the psychology of employee recognition.
Maslowโs Hierarchy of Needs
We need to understand how the human brain works to get what goes on in the brain during recognition. Psychological theories help us to understand human behavior, and Maslowโs Hierarchy of Needs is just one of them.
The hierarchy of needs, according to Maslow, is as follows:
According to Maslow, physiological needs are the most basic for human survival. These include food, water, shelter, and clothing. Without them, you cannot move to the rest of the layers and continue to seek personal growth.
Once you have met your physiological needs, you can move on to your safety needs, including physical and emotional security. Essential questions, in this case, include whether you have a safe place to go or whether you feel emotionally safe wherever you are.
An individualโs social needs are as important as their physical needs. These make you feel safe in life and include friendships and social support.
After an individualโs basic and psychological needs are met, there is a need to focus on esteem. It helps individuals feel accomplished, noticed, and recognized. Esteem also involves feelings of being appropriately challenged.
The art of self-actualization is the summit of an individualโs personal growth when you achieve your full potential in life. Although it looks different for everyone, you cannot reach self-actualization unless all your other needs are met. This full potential in life can be achieved through achievement, creativity, or expression.
Different Types of Recognition
Now that we understand how recognition works in the brain and where it lies on the hierarchy of needs, here are the most effective types of recognition in the workplace.
Celebratory Recognition
This allows for the recognition of the good of others. Thinking about it, there is a reason to celebrate everyone in ceremonies like birthdays. Special occasions, holidays, and anniversaries also allow for the recognition of others. As far as the workplace is concerned, employees can be recognized through birthdays, appreciation days, and service milestones.
Spot Recognition
This involves highlighting people for their good work and doing it on the spot. If an employee has made an achievement, it should be recognized immediately. Directed recognition can be done verbally, in writing, or on digital platforms.
Incentivized Recognition
This form of recognition involves rewarding team members upon achieving set targets. Incentivized recognition is helpful when it comes to encouraging specific behavior in the workplace. This type of recognition is beneficial since it allows employees to participate in their recognition by completing tasks to earn rewards. Incorporating tools like employee recognition software can streamline this process, making it easier for managers to track achievements and ensure that recognition is consistent and meaningful
Value-Driven Recognition
This form of recognition ties organizational values to a specific behavior in the workplace. It involves recognizing employees who exhibit some of the company values. Value-driven recognition is beneficial in cases where the company intends to align employees to organizational values.
Why Employee Recognition Matters
When you recognize someone, which involves complimenting them, the following things happen:
Strong Bonds of Trust
The Oxytocin released through recognition helps to create stronger bonds between two parties. Remarkably, this bond is between the giver and receiver of recognition. Eventually, stronger bonds help to create a better working environment.
Improves Motivation
The psychology of recognition creates motivation for the employees. It helps employees see that the organization values them and that their contributions add to the firm’s success. This kind of recognition helps build a sense of security and motivates them to work harder for the company’s success.
Better Skill Retention
Rewards and recognition boost skill consolidation. These help people learn tasks faster and retain the information for long. Skill consolidation also helps to improve individual productivity in the workplace. Ultimately, there is no better way to enhance the skill consolidation level of employees other than through rewards and recognition.
Boosts Engagement
Recognition in the workplace provides employees with a sense of accomplishment as they feel valued for their work. Recognition also boosts individual engagement and increases productivity and loyalty to the company.
It is time to stop trying to decide whether you should appreciate your employees and start working towards showing gratitude for the hard work your employees do. You can use recognition as an employee engagement strategy. When employees feel recognized, their bonds of trust are strengthened, boosting productivity. Ultimately, reward and recognition is a science that you cannot ignore.
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