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How to Optimize Your Career Potential–and Shatter the Ceiling Holding You Back

Are you dragging your feet to work, dreading the monotony of a stagnant environment that leaves you feeling under-utilized and under-stimulated? Have you heard, “You’re not ready,” or “We only promote externally,” in response to promotion negotiations? If so, you may be in danger of slamming head first into your company’s glass ceiling. 

Between one-too-many passed promotions and industry standstills, glass ceilings are a less-than-ideal roadblock in your path to success. Should you notice constant obstructions to your growth, perform a 360-scan of the alternate routes around you that can yield higher earning potentials. 

Hitting a glass ceiling on your journey towards a successful career can lead to lost earning potential, mental health effects, and long-term stagnation. Avoid career slumps and maximize your potential by looking forward and embracing the challenge at hand.  Here you can get more information about jobs for seniors.

Earn a master’s degree 

As you get curious about possible vocational opportunities, consider sealing educational gaps to give your resume a much-needed boost. You can optimize your career potential by furthering your education and applying to graduate schools where you gain access to specialized knowledge and invaluable networking opportunities. 

The skills and connections you hone over the course of your degree can propel you forward and give you a leg up in a candidate pool. Note that a master’s degree can offer invaluable experiences and grant you the opportunity to refine your resume as you step into your next career venture. 

To improve your chances of acceptance into a nationally-ranked program, you should consider applying for esteemed schools for undergraduate and graduate programs. For example, Boston is home to some of the most accredited universities in the United States, like Harvard, MIT, and Boston University. If you’d like to pinpoint your chances of acceptance, you can research the Boston University acceptance rate to calculate your odds and avoid debilitating disappointment down the road. 

Build foundational skills

Acquiring foundational skills may seem impossible when you’re feeling unmotivated or sinking into the monotonous daily routines of your current position. Instead of packing up and starting over completely, try focusing on building a foundation for success. New beginnings require firm foundations, and your career is no exception. 

Defining your purpose and progressing your skills within your current field gives you a competitive edge over time and better equips you for the next promotion or job offer. Go back to the basics and learn the ins and outs of your field. If your career goals lie elsewhere, explore the foundational skills of your desired position. Skills like time management or website coding proficiency may seem rudimentary. However, they can be the difference between small, yearly raises and unimaginable, life-changing promotions.

Don’t be afraid of movement

While it can be daunting to abandon your current position or field and throw yourself into a new industry, new opportunities are often precisely what people need to propel their careers forward. 

Fear of the unknown—especially in employment—is unnerving for most working professionals, causing apprehension. However, taking risks shows adaptability and flexibility, two important values to adopt when trying to increase your earning potential.  

Changing positions, switching fields, or even trying your hand at entrepreneurship are all exciting (and nerve-wracking) options to spice up your occupational goals and provide you with marketable experiences you can highlight on your resume. 

Initiate the conversation

Part of taking risks and advocating for yourself is having difficult conversations with your employer. While anxiety-inducing, negotiating the terms of your employment is a necessary step for optimizing growth.

Outlining your strengths, communicating your contributions, and marketing your value are aspects of promotion or financial negotiations. Once you’ve showcased your strengths and summarized your requests, offer your audience time to respond thoughtfully. In the meantime, know your worth, weigh the risks, and wait to see if your hard work paid off.

Final thoughts

Optimizing your career potential takes dedication, planning, and gusto. Unfortunately, there isn’t always a way to maneuver your way around these difficult conversations with your supervisor. After all, sometimes the only way out is through. That said, when faced with a growth ceiling, remember that the benefits you’ll reap by shattering the glass ceiling are expansive. 

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About Lilach Bullock

Hi, I’m Lilach, a serial entrepreneur! I’ve spent the last 2 decades starting, building, running, and selling businesses in a range of niches. I’ve also used all that knowledge to help hundreds of business owners level up and scale their businesses beyond their beliefs and expectations.

I’ve written content for authority publications like Forbes, Huffington Post, Inc, Twitter, Social Media Examiner and 100’s other publications and my proudest achievement, won a Global Women Champions Award for outstanding contributions and leadership in business.

My biggest passion is sharing knowledge and actionable information with other business owners. I created this website to share my favorite tools, resources, events, tips, and tricks with entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, small business owners, and startups. Digital marketing knowledge should be accessible to all, so browse through and feel free to get in touch if you can’t find what you’re looking for!


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