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The Art of Twitter: How to Engage More Followers on Twitter
Twitter has been growing in popularity over the years. Today, many individuals globally depend on Twitter to learn more about what’s trending. It’s more of a news network for some people. However, some brands use it as a tool to market their products and services. To accomplish this, they need more followers to ensure that their messages reach more audiences. But, the main question is how can a user get more individuals to follow their Twitter account? This is a crucial question because the more Twitter followers your account has the more of an authority and credible it is considered.
People use different strategies to attract and even engage with more users. Here you can find out more – how to buy Twitter followers. However, you can have followers and still not have people notice your tweets. That’s why you should learn the art of Twitter. Essentially, you should know how to engage more Twitter users with your content.
Examples of the Most Popular Twitter Accounts
Popularizing a Twitter account is not easy. That’s because this platform has stiff competition. However, some individuals have topped this social network in terms of popularity. This makes their accounts great channels for promoting their brands and selling products. Here are some of the popular Twitter accounts.
- Barack Obama with 123.2 million followers
- Justin Bieber with 112.6 million followers
- Katy Perry with 108 million followers
- Rihanna with 98.6 million followers
- Cristiano Ronaldo with 88 million followers
Perhaps, you’re now wondering why these Twitter accounts are so popular. Well, these accounts are popular because they have implemented strategies that increase engagement with the audience. Such strategies include:
- Tweeting frequently
- Publishing visual content
- Optimization of the moments when you publish content
- Using hashtags
- Creating more inviting profiles
- Engaging with relevant tags, comments, and retweets
Implementing effective Twitter strategies is the major reason why these accounts have attracted many followers and increased their popularity.
How to Make Your Twitter Account Popular
If new to Twitter, you want to know how you can popularize your account. Here is a step-by-step guide with advice and tips that you can use to make your account popular.
- Optimize your Twitter profile
Research has shown that around 15% of all tweets might be bots. Therefore, brands should do what they can to prove their humanity. Apart from having a strategy for Twitter content, a brand should create a friendlier profile. It should be optimized for the human audience. This can be achieved through the following:
- Inclusion of a nice photo in the profile.
- Use of industry keywords, information about location, as well as, relevant hashtags in tweets.
- Inclusion of a personality in the Twitter profile’s content.
Essentially, brands should fine-tune their profiles to create great first-impressions.
- Tweet Frequently
A strategy for publishing content should be more aggressive when you want to popularize your account. Essentially, you should tweet between 3 to 7 times per day to boost engagements. But, some brands are tweeting up to 20 times. However, competitive analysis, as well as, the context should be considered when deciding on the number of tweets to publish in a day.
- Decide on Your Tweeting Time
Timing is also important when it comes to popularizing your account. Tweeting late at night when the target audiences could be asleep might not get your new followers. In the morning and late afternoon are some of the best moments to tweet during weekdays. But, this can vary based on the audience and time zones. Nevertheless, you should have a schedule where your tweets will be published when the majority of your target audiences are active on this platform.
- Publish Visual Content
Content that features visual content gets more retweets, as well as, shares and likes than content with plain text. Therefore, couple your text with images. Text-based content is okay. However, images encourage people that scroll through this network to spare time and look at your content.
- Use the Right Hashtags
Hashtags make Twitter content more searchable. They are great for Twitter SEO. A tweet that has a hashtag gets 12.6% more engagements when compared to another one without it. Nevertheless, you should use relevant hashtags. Take the time to research hashtags and use only those suitable for your brand and tweets.
- Interact with the Audience
Appreciate other users when they tag you, reply to your tweets or comments, and even retweet your content. You don’t have to spend all your time creating content to make your account popular on Twitter. Even appreciating other users by responding to them can make you popular. Therefore, create quality content and optimize it for engagement but don’t forget to interact with followers. Interacting with the audience will ensure that your account doesn’t look like it is run by some bots.
- Connect with Users in Your Network
Most individuals hesitate to sync their contact lists to different social networks. But, uploading contacts to this social network can help when it comes to tapping into an existing network. This network has people that might want to follow your Twitter account. Essentially, your account will appear among the suggested accounts to follow for your synced contacts if they use Twitter.
- Bring Followers from Other Networks
Promote your account for Twitter across the other social networks. You can do this by adding a link to your account in the other social accounts. For instance, inclusion of a link to your account in your WordPress blog or the “About” section on Facebook can help. Twitter is commonplace for digital marketers. Therefore, feel free to include your account anywhere if that encourages new users to follow you.
The Bottom Line
Twitter has more than 321 million active monthly users. This explains why every brand wants to have more followers on this platform. Whether you run a business account or you’re a marketer, you can benefit from having more followers on this platform. Once you get more followers, you can convey your messages confidently knowing that you have a better chance of reaching your target audiences. Follow the steps highlighted here to grow your Twitter and make it more popular among the audiences that your brand wants to target.

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