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Improving Your Guest Blogging Skills
If you are an active blogger in search of new readers, you probably already know about the power of posting content on other blogs in your niche. These guest blogs can go a long way toward adding to your efforts to increase readership. Along with SEO (search-engine optimization) of your own posted content, guesting is one of the most effective ways to boost your online profile, bring in new people, and allow you to earn money from your writing.
If you’re motivated, you’ve probably hired a professional freelancer to do your SEO work. Bringing on an SEO expert with confidence accomplishes several things at once. First, it gets your own authored pieces higher rankings on the big engines. Second, it frees you to focus on what you do best, which is create exceptional posts and articles for your own site. Finally, a freelancer can work as much or as little as you desire. Consider having them do a check-up on your search engine rankings at least once per week and fine tuning their efforts. But, when it comes to finding good guest opportunities and making the most of them, the ball is in your court. Here are some simple ways to locate and optimize opportunities to provide top notch content for blogs.
Do the Time, Earn the Rewards
A good rule of thumb is to spend at least one full hour for each 500 original words, then proofread and fact-check. Complete at least one of the proofreading rounds with your own eyes only. Source key information points and deliver interesting, coherent material. If you check off all those items, chances are you’ll be invited back to post soon.
Find the Most Relevant Bloggers in Your Niche
You know your own topic well. Now, spend a few hours finding the best of the best in the category. Include several of the top dogs, even if competition for guest slots is intense. You never know, maybe you’ll get lucky. Also include a dozen or so mid-level entries and perhaps 20 others of varying popularity. Reduce the list down if you deem any of the candidates inappropriate for your purposes. Once the solid ones are left, send email inquiries to each one explaining that you want to contribute articles to their sites. Wait a week or so for replies.
Don’t Duplicate Articles & Follow the Rules
When you begin to compose a piece for posting, check out what’s already up on the page. Be careful not to duplicate ideas or concepts. Try as much as possible to come up with unique, interesting material. Everyone has their own set of guest guidelines. The busier folks who already have thousands of daily readers don’t have time to deal with submissions that fall short of the rules or quality expectations. Read guidelines carefully and follow them to the letter. That way, you won’t risk getting rejected over an oddity like, “You must mention dogs at least three times in your piece.” And, yes, that’s an actual requirement listed on a rule-sheet for contributors at a popular animal website.
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