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Earn More, Stress Less: 8 Money Blocks You Need to Beat
Whether you want to start a business from scratch or scale yours to 7 or 8 figures…
You need to be in the right frame of mind to be successful.
And part of success is earning a decent income.
You may be surprised to learn that most entrepreneurs are barely breaking even!
For most of us, one of the reasons we get into entrepreneurship is for the freedom.
But when you’re hardly breaking even…
It’s hard to find joy in what you’re doing.
If you aren’t earning what you’d like to be yet, there could be an easier solution than you think.
Money blocks.
No, it’s not a huge block of bank notes…
(although that would be nice!)
These are mental blocks…
That affect thousands of business people every single day.
Let’s explore the concept in more detail…
And I’ll share the top 8 money blocks that could be keeping you poor!
What Are Money Blocks?
Money blocks aren’t tangible things.
They’re mental blocks about finances…
A particular mindset or belief that keeps you from moving ahead.
You might be able to recognise them.
- “Money isn’t that important.”
- “Money is the root of all evil.”
- “I can’t charge more because I’m not good enough.”
- “I earn what I’m worth and don’t deserve more.”
- “I’ll never get a higher-paying job.”
Any of these sound familiar?
If you have any of these thoughts running though your head…
You’re a victim of money blocks.
The 8 Money Blocks You Need to Beat
These 8 money blocks are the root of what’s keeping you poor.
Beat these, and you’ll be ahead of 95% of business people.
By the way, clearing these money blocks is what allowed me to:
- Raise over $1 million for a software tool
- Earn over $10k for speaking engagements
- Raise $30k in a week to sponsor my podcast
And beating them can do the same for you.
Let’s have a look at how they happen, how to spot them…
And how to get around them.
1. Formative Influences
These are the most deep-seated of all the money blocks.
They get embedded in you when you’re still a kid…
As you learn what your parents, family members, and peers believe.
They’re generally formed before you even know what finances are.
And it’s not just because of how your parents talk about money!
They often come from the feeling in the home about money.
So how do you know if you’re stuck in this money block?
You might have beliefs such as:
- Money is evil and rich people are greedy.
- Who did she have to f$%$ to get that job?
- My parents fight about money all the time.
- I don’t deserve more money.
- Wealthy people are corrupt.
- Having a lot of money will make me a bad person.
- No one will like me if I’m successful.
- Money doesn’t buy happiness.
- Money doesn’t grow on trees.
Sound like your brain?
The Solution
Recognise the fact that money is neutral.
It’s not good. It’s not bad.
It just is.
And the type of person you are is NOT tied up in this inconsequential thing.
What truly matters is what you DO with it.
But that’s another blog post!
There are good and bad people from all walks of life.
How much money you have is irrelevant.
Eliminate the fake belief that making money, earning more than you need, and having a lot in the bank makes you a bad/greedy person.
2. Mind Reading
Mind-reading—or using your intuition and empathy to figure out what people are truly thinking and feeling in the moment—can be an extremely useful business tool.
But when your mind goes rogue…
It can backfire on you.
Trying to read people’s intentions might lead to false assumptions.
- They won’t be able to afford my fee.
- They won’t think I’m worth it.
- They’ll think I’m overpriced.
- They’ll think I’m greedy.
The Solution
Stop assuming!
You don’t need to outright ask if they think you’re worth it.
But you do need to ask the right questions…
To get them to reveal their thoughts.
This will help bridge the gap between what you actually know and what you thought you knew.
Use the echo effect to make double sure you’re on the same page.
This is simply where you repeat their answers back to them to make sure you’re understanding them correctly.
This is called making an informed decision…
Rather than relying on what you think.
3. Zero-Sum Thinking
Do you ever feel bad about your customers giving you money…
And charge them less as a result?
It happens to many of us.
And it’s known as zero-sum thinking.
Why does it happen?
Usually because you want to come across as fair…
And not be perceived as being greedy.
The Solution
Understand that this is a business transaction…
But more than that, it’s an exchange of value.
You give something – your service.
They give something – their money.
It’s a necessary exchange for trust to develop.
If you undercharge, you’re compromising this relationship…
And setting yourself up for a future of being paid less than you deserve.
4. Self-Worth
This is a common one.
Failing to see your self-worth.
This is a confidence problem.
Any of these sound familiar?
- You’re scared to put your prices up in case they say no.
- You fear that clients will leave you and you’ll need to find new ones.
- Your business isn’t growing, and seems to be stagnating.
- You work too hard but don’t earn enough to outsource.
- You’re tired, stressed, and stuck in a loop.
The Solution
You may need to put some work into overcoming this one.
Here’s what I suggest:
- Write down all the positive experiences you’ve had with clients.
- Go to those clients and ask them for testimonials.
This is sure to boost your confidence as you see the positive things you’ve done for clients.
Become your own biggest believer!
You’ve done great things for clients before.
You can continue doing that.
It’s also a good idea to put some effort into getting quality leads.
When you’ve got great leads coming in…
You won’t feel as anxious about losing existing clients.
Because you know it won’t be hard to find others.
5. Guilt
Some people will go out of their way to make you feel bad.
About your skill.
About your prices.
And many of us fall prey to their comments.
It’s tempting to lower prices for these people…
Instead of telling them to go away!
If they don’t want to pay what you’re asking, they’re not the right client for you.
The Solution
Stand firm in your pricing.
Lowering your prices is a two-fold mistake.
Here’s why:
- If the client goes ahead, the working relationship starts with them thinking they can walk all over you.
- Low pricing says “low quality” to many people. You may not have much success with the right kind of clients if you’re charging less.
Remember, it’s impossible to please everyone!
Stand firm in your pricing and the right clients will be okay with it.
6. Adapting to Peer Norms
This is another common issue—
Pricing your own services based on what you perceive the competitors to be charging.
This is a sure way to accidentally pick a pricing structure that doesn’t work for you.
Insider tip: Most of your competitors have got it wrong too!
This money block can happen consciously…
But it may also happen subconsciously.
Consciously, you may feel that you can’t charge more than your competitors…
Because what makes you so much better than them?
Subconsciously, we tend to set our personal “money thermostat” to match that of our competitors…
Or our friends or colleagues.
The Solution
Ignore your competitors!
Forget their pricing.
There’s a high chance they’re doing it wrong.
There are only three things you need to focus on:
- Profitable delivery for you.
- Value created and provided.
- What the market will bear.
Here’s another little tip:
Surround yourself with financially-savvy people.
Their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours will rub off on you.
7. Over-Giving
Generosity is a wonderful quality.
But being too generous is depleting.
This one is tough to do, but important.
Stop doing work for free.
This often happens with prospective clients…
Who want a free job so they can “get a feel” for how you work.
If you do it, it can devalue you in their eyes.
This may not be a conscious thing.
But it can be harder to ask them to pay what you’re worth…
When they think it’s quick, easy, and costs very little on your side.
On the other hand, it can make you feel like working for free is necessary in order to get paying clients…
Which puts you in the position to be taken advantage of.
The Solution
Set boundaries.
Establish what you will and won’t do…
And stick to it.
If someone asks you to do free work, tell them:
“Sorry, it’s not my policy. I only work on a paid basis”.
If they can’t respect that, you probably don’t want to work with them!
Be thoughtful, though.
If a free job will bring you greater success down the line or yield value that isn’t monetary…
Then it could be worth doing.
But it definitely shouldn’t be the norm.
8. Ignorance
When we’re faced with situations we’re not equipped to deal with, we tend to fall back on one of two things:
- Our own bad habits
- Imitating our competitors
Neither of these is the optimal choice.
As we’ve already mentioned, most of our competitors don’t know as much as we think they do!
And our own bad habits will never help us to grow.
The Solution
Get a mentor.
Yes, you can learn things yourself.
You can work out pricing by trial and error.
You can struggle through things for years until you find that sweet spot.
Or you can get the advice of someone who knows it all already.
Someone who’s had all the experience.
And knows how to take tactics…
And adapt them to your situation.
Final Thoughts
Money blocks are real.
It’s not some kind of woo-woo, new-agey, weirdness.
It’s all about mindset.
And you’d be surprised at how many entrepreneurs just don’t believe in themselves!
If you’re one of them…
(as I used to be)
Try these tactics to beat them.
Be consistent—change doesn’t happen overnight.
But it’s absolutely worth putting the effort into this.
It helped me to make millions (literally)…
And it can do the same for you.
You have nothing to lose by trying!
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