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5 ‘Quality over Quantity’ SEO Tips
The internet is big. How big? Let’s just say most businesses feel like their content is getting lost in the shuffle every day. It seems impossible for young startups to break out and become visible.
It may be tempting to take the internet on at its own game. However, just mass-producing pages and pages to try and get noticed will yield no results.
That’s why you need SEO strategies that work, not surplus content. With SEO, quality trumps quantity every time. Unfortunately, most SEO companies suffer from what expertsย SEO Gold Coastย calls ‘the ugly truth’ of the SEO industry: that making fast ads doesn’t work. Instead, keep these five tips in mind to bring quality SEO results.
1) Videos over Text
Whenever you peruse the internet, an iron law guides your eyes: videos are more interesting than text. It’s common sense, but a powerful fact. Why would we choose to read a block of text when an exciting and engaging video explains everything to us?
A single well-designed video clip can keep visitors on your website for longer. Good quality video or graphics with audio will grab users more than any text ever will.
Furthermore, video spreads easier across social media platforms. This makes the likelihood of organic visits through multiplying links much higher.
2) Evergreen Backlinks
The importance of evergreen content remains unchanged. Quality over quantity points to the need for maintaining posts and content that users can return to again and again.
While video is a useful tool to engage potential customers quickly, written text is still valuable.
Keep in mind that a long in-depth post will generate more backlinks than lots of short ‘fluff’ pieces. Posts with detailed research at around 2000 words will usually do the trick.
Also, anything that acts as reference content that can be revisited and shared will always garner more views.
3) Engage, Don’t Demand
‘The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.’ These words stand as the simple guiding words of proper customer engagement. Just like a customer in a shop, visitors to a page enjoy some form of engagement.
Obviously, this does not mean badgering. Instead of posting the same content many times, try to express it in different mediums. Once in text, then through a picture, maybe as a graph. Give the user options for how to view content.
Make navigating through the website interesting. Simple, clean animations and graphics can enthrall a visitor more than scrolling through one endless page of different sized text.
4) Meta Visible
The meta description remains the true quality-over-quantity test. Only use around 150 characters to draw search engine users in. That leaves little room for error.
Like all SEO content, make sure to include keywords. Unique to the meta description, however, is the call to action. Tell viewers what to do! Give them some guidance and they’ll click through to buy a product or learn more.
5) Voice Search
The advent of silky-voiced servants like Siri and Alexa has caused a boom in voice searches. So, tailor your content to these searches.
Voice searches look for local services making geo-targeted tags a must for local businesses. If someone searches for something ‘near me’ you want the search to find you.
Voice searches also come in the form of questions. So, having content phrased in a question-and-answer format will make it more suitable for those searches.
The End Result
While it may be tempting to try and bombard the internet with content, quality always wins out over quantity. SEO practices done well will reduce the amount of work you have to do. Evergreen content that produces links for itself will yield more than writing a dozen articles every week will ever do.
So, forget working hard and work smart. Make the content you create work for you. And see how long before your site gets the hits you want.

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