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Inbound vs. Outbound marketing
What are inbound and outbound marketing and what are the key points for inbound vs. outbound marketing?
Both inbound and outbound marketing are important strategies that you need to put into place.
This resource page defines inbound marketing and outbound marketing, explains the inbound vs. outbound differences, and offers amazing resources for marketing purposes.
What are inbound marketing and outbound marketing?
Inbound marketing is a modern strategy that offers the customer the possibility to research the product or service and to find out more about the company before making the first direct contact. This type of process has a great success rate because most users spend a lot of time on the Internet and prefer to have control over their purchases.
On the other hand, outbound marketing tries to get to a large number of people, even if they are active buyers or not. It implies tactics like direct email, print ads, cold-calling, commercials or PPC ads.
Inbound marketing or outbound marketing? Differences and importance
Inbound vs. outbound marketing is an interesting subject for a lot of businesses, but the choice should be based on the target audience, the type of business, and the marketing objectives.
Inbound marketing has an important feature, it focuses on offering value to the audience while being non-promotional and educational. This type of marketing takes into consideration the Buyerโs Journey and creates a relationship between the company and the buyers based on it. This approach is preferred by customers because the audience chooses to react at a specific time, when they need or want to, not being forced to engage. However, the costs for the company are higher and the first results come slower.
Outbound marketing can build awareness by reaching more people in a short period. If it is done by the book, this type of marketing can bring a lot of new customers quickly, but this depends on the amount of money invested. However, people tend to avoid getting in touch with outbound marketing ads because they can sometimes become aggressive or simply too much. Besides, it does not bring enough long-term assets to generate leads.
Resources for an inbound vs. outbound marketing experience
Are you wondering what to choose between inbound and outbound marketing?
Reach out to us if you want to learn more about our content marketing services and how we can help you choose the perfect type of marketing that suits your needs.
In the meantime, find out more about marketing with these helpful resources:
- Need help with your marketing strategy? Contact us for more information regarding this subject.
- Learn how to generate leads from our content marketing lead generation guide.
- Content marketing tools: here are some interesting content marketing tools to use.
- Find out more about marketing with this email marketing guide
- Learn how to use marketing tactics from our online marketing strategies article.

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