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Get More Done In Less Time By Starting Your Day The Right Way
How do you start your day? Do you check your social media and email?
The wisest and most successful people on the planet start their days differently.
They set the tone for their day by starting with things that inspire them, make them feel good, and get them moving physically.
Some people exercise first thing in the morning, while others meditate or do some form of visualisation.
The common denominator is that they all start their days with activities that put them in a peak state so they can attract more of what they want into their lives.
When you positively start your day, it sets the tone for the rest of the day. Youโll be more productive, make better decisions, and attract more of what you want into your life.
So that is why we chose to interview company owners, freelancers, and bloggers regarding their productivity hacks, especially during the morning!
1. Angie Makljenovic

Block distracting apps and websites
Assuming that you want a morning routine that is effective and will help you be more productive during the day, it is important to limit distractions. One way to do this is to block distracting websites and apps on your phone and laptop (during certain hours of the day).
Having distractions first thing in the morning can really set you back for the rest of the day. Be sure to block out time for a set morning routine, free of any social media or news scrolling. This way, you can start your day off right.
Angie Makljenovic, CEO of She Can Blog
2. Adam Wise

Nutrients are key
Human body requires fuel and whenever mine is out of it due to lack of time (who doesn’t skip lunch sometimes?) I aim to compensate for it with precisely selected nutrients and supplements to boost my ‘engine’ up again.
Adam Wise, Business Development Manager at Wisemove
3. Maryna Tarasenko

Make Work-Life Balance a Reality, Especially In The Morning
Work-life balance is key to your overall success. Though it might seem to be just another buzzword, it is an essential part of our productivity. It refers to the specific approach when a person strictly divides his/her personal time from working hours without feeling guilty for it to be fresh and energised.
So, here is a list of advice to keep work-life balance in the morning:
1. Do not get up immediately after the alarm, stay in bed extra 15 mins.
2. Turn off notifications while drinking your coffee/tea.
3. Eat a nutritious breakfast and listen to your favourite songs.
4. If the weather & distance allows, go on foot to the office or take a short walk before working at home.
Enjoy your mornings and be productive!
Maryna Tarasenko, Marketing Manager at Gepard
4. Janice Wald

Use a Paper To-Do List
Each night, before you go to bed, list your tasks for the next day. If each task contains different subtasks, bullet them. Use a black pen. Put a box in front of the urgent tasks. In addition to the box, draw an arrow with a red pen pointing to the extremely urgent tasks. As you complete each task, put a check in the box in blue. Number the tasks in order of urgency. Tasks with a box and a red arrow get a #1, tasks with just a box, get a #2, tasks without boxes or arrows, a #3 etc. The next morning, when you start your day, you know immediately what you need to do and donโt waste time wondering.
Janice Wald, CEO at Mostlyblogging
5. Kasia Slonawska

Be kind to your mind
Being too strict about maximising productivity can have the opposite effect and lead to severe mental health issues such as stress, burnout, or anxiety. Remember that balance is the key to anything that you do, and dealing with your tasks quickly and efficiently should leave you with more time for what you enjoy doing.
Always put self-care first, and forgive yourself if you didnโt manage to complete all the tasks that youโd planned. In the end, youโre not a robot. Treat yourself with kindness.
Kasia Slonawska, Marketing Executive at Napoleoncat
6. David Watkins

The Best Morning Routine for Success
Success breeds success, so start your day with easy wins to boost productivity. The first way to get a win in the morning is by making your bed. It’s a simple task that gives you a feeling of accomplishment that many people neglect to do. Morning routines should also include some exercise and a healthy breakfast. Fitting these into your morning will give your body and mind the energy to power through a busy day.
David Watkins, Director of Product Management at Ethosapp
7. Gaurav Sharma

Take a Walk in the Sun
Taking a walk outside and feeling the sun early in the morning helps improve your brain and cognitive functions. It helps you become more alert and focused, and also improves your memory and problem-solving abilities.
It also has physical health benefits as it is a form of exercise. It gives you a fresh boost of energy to take on the challenges of the day ahead.
Taking a morning walk is my top recommendation to get a fresh jolt of energy early in the day and be productive throughout the day.
Gaurav Sharma, CEO & Digital Marketing Consultant at Attrock
8. Bharat Saini

Focus on one task
Putting all of your focus into one task will help you to complete it more quickly and efficiently.
I used to believe that people who could complete multiple tasks simultaneously were amazing.
I would start several things at the same time, but I wouldn’t finish any of them. As a result, after a lot of aggravation, I switched tactics. I used to think that multitasking made me more productive, but I was wrong. All it did was slow me down and make me anxious. Once I stopped trying to do everything at once, my performance improved and I could meet my deadlines again.
Bharat Saini, SEO Intern at Controlhippo
9. Omar Nasif

Plan Your Day Well
Before you start working at the beginning of the day, plan what you are going to do throughout the day. Note down all the tasks with the time estimation. Use a notepad or project management tool to keep track of your tasks. You can take the tasks from your long-term or short-term goal. Make sure that you are doing all the tasks that you have planned. Check whether you could finish all the tasks or not at the end of the day.
Do not hurry while planning. Again, do not take much time to plan. Once your planning is done, take a short break and start working.
Omar Nasif, Chief Marketing Officer at Receiptmakerly
10. Felix Rose-Collins

Follow Up With People
Efficiency is communication, you need to make sure the team is all on the same page. You have to check in on people as sometimes they forget, so it’s essential if you have not heard from them in a while. Find out how they are doing, ask them their current status, when they expect to finish it, what problems they are running into, or if they need any help or assistance with anything.
Felix Rose-Collins, CEO of Rank Tracker
Efficiency is a mindset and a skill that can be learned by everyone willing to put in the work. You need to first identify what causes you to waste time and then take steps to change those habits.
Stay disciplined, focused, and organised, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming more efficient.

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